(I)mpersonal (S)tylist = 15

Impersonal Stylist; the cultivation, refinement, and triangulation of Designer, Peter Van Flores, post 2015 California move.



  • A Puerto Rican, raised in the vibrant community driven streets of the Lower East Side (Loisaida), Manhattan, NYC. More specifically, Avenue D. The L.E.S. is a City within a City that educates and molds the natives through passionate aggressive rhythm and tough love.

  • A Decade long career in Styling and Retail Management. Formally trained by one of the largest and oldest vertically integrated men's Luxury Italian Fashion Houses, with a focus on storytelling through styling, color theory, and fabric manipulation.

  • A 15+ year active Illustration, Wheatpaste, and Typography gallery/street artist. Showcasing work indoors and outdoors. Work seen in New York, California, Florida, Texas, Virginia, Baltimore, Rio De Jeniero, Sorocaba, Amsterdam, Eindhoven, Paris, Brussels, Barcelona, Madrid, and additional near and far adventures.

And that is the Triangulation which equals 15. Peter Van Flores for Impersonal Stylist.